Hi and welcome to my site about getting through life as a tall person. My name is Leeroy James and I’m considered a tall person at 6 FT 5in. Considering the average height in the States is 5 Ft 10in and the tallest Man recorded comes in at a whopping 8 Ft 11.1in, I feel I’m a good blend of being tall, but not over the top tall.
However, I know many people are taller than me and even I have to look up to them. The point is, what do you consider tall?. For me, I know I am tall when products I use on a day to day basis aren’t suitable for my height. This can be anything from pushing a stroller to swing a golf club.
This little bit of extra height makes certain tasks in life extremely difficult. Fortunately, their are ways around the difficulties. This is what my site aims to accomplish. Solutions to the difficulties a tall Man or Women may experience in day to day life. With what I find and through my experiences, I hope that you too can benefit from these awesome inventions.
With that said, if there’s anything that you feel is missing, please do leave a comment on the appropriate page, or from the contact form found in the menu. I hope you find this site useful in more than one way.
Leeroy James