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Not only is it uncomfortable using a bench press that’s too short, it can be very dangerous. Having your knees well above your hips is certainly not ideal. With many adjustable weight benches, this is the only option to extend the backrest is too lower the seat.
Which then forces your knees to be at an uncomfortable height putting pressure on the areas that are not the area of focus during the workout.
So with the troubles the tall person has when it comes to buying a weight bench, its not worth risking it on just any model. Regardless of how many 5 star reviews it has. I’ve gone through a bunch of weight benches in order to eliminate the non contenders to bring you a list of the best weight benches for taller people.
The Bare Minimal A Tall Person Needs From A Weight Bench
While many of us are tall and some are very tall, not one model suits all. As is often the case with exercise equipment for tall people. Some of us have longer arms than others which then creates a wider arm span. While others have shorter legs and a longer upper torso.
So depending on your situation there will be varying different needs. But to be on the safe side, anyone over 6 foot should generally look for minimum measurements when buying a bench press for home use. These are:
- Bench Height: As a bare minimal, the bench height has to be 17 inches tall. Any shorter and your legs will be cramped and uncomfortable during workouts and even while laying on our back. Ideally you want a bench that sits 20 inches or more off the ground.
- Overall Bench Length: For flat benches that don’t adjust this is especially important. Most benches will have a tall persons head falling off the back of the padding. This can be very dangerous as there is no support for your head. So the minimal overall bench length should be no less than 45 inches. To find out your ideal measurement, simply measure yourself from the back of the knee to the tip of your head. While you may not find an exact bench to suit your height, chances are most of your head will at least be supported.
- Backrest Height: If you buy a bench press that can incline, the amount of support needed for your head is less. However you still need very good shoulder support and preferably a wider bench to support your shoulders. At minimum the backrest needs to be 30 inches.
Weight Bench Max User Height 6’4″
Because of the varying torso lengths, legs and arms, it’s not very often a weight bench will specifically state a maximum user height. But this Fitness Reality model specifies that the maximum height is 6’4″.
But obviously this is just a guideline. Length of ones inseam and upper torso also play vital roles in determining the right size. But as you go through the specs, you can clearly see this has the potential to be a great bench press for tall people.
Tall Person Specs
- Bench Height: 18.3″
- Backrest Length: 37″
- Total Length: 69.5″
- 850 Lbs weight capacity
Starting with the height from the ground, this Fitness Reality is slightly higher than the minimum measurement I require. It sits at 18.3″. While ideally I’d like one than is greater than 20 inches from ground to top of bench.
However, with the Fitness Reality you can adjust the seat angle. What this does is gives you more leg leverage if you do find it a tad too close to the ground. While the adjustable seat is primarily designed for this purpose, it certainly is a bonus for us tall people.
The backrest is certainly one of the longer ones which is great for people with taller upper torsos. It measures 37 inches which is a good 6 inches longer than most. This extended length means you get greater head, neck and shoulder support when in any of the inclined positions ranging from 85° to the decline of -15°.
With a total length of just under 70″ and a extended backrest, the Fitness Reality 2000 Super Max XL is sure to suit many tall people. The adjustable features of the backrest, seat and legs mean there’s a large variety of routines that can be achieved on this weight bench.

Olympic Weight Bench For Taller Users
An Olympic weight bench is an oversized regular bench designed to be a more sturdier and permanent option. They are bigger in every way which is perfect for the taller people. Longer and wider benches give taller people the freedom to feel comfortable on top.
The drawback is of course they don’t typically have adjustable seats but do have the ability to have adjustable back rests like this Marcy Competitor Olympic weight bench.
This Marcy Competitor has a combined weight capacity of 600 pounds. 300 for the user and 300 for the weights. Being an Olympic weight bench, you have the option to use a standard 7′ Olympic barbell as well as the 6′ barbells.
The Marcy Competitor has a 5 position backrest which means you can vary your workouts from incline, decline to military press. The posts also can be height adjusted which is a good feature for the taller people. The dual action leg developer also has a 100 pound weight capacity.
All in all it’s not a bad deal for the Marcy Competitor. Perfect for the beginner looking for an affordable option when first starting out.

Extra Long Bench Press For Tall People
When a 6’2″ persons says that the bench is too long, you know that it’s certainly a viable option for a taller person. Never will you hear a tall person complain about something being too long.
That is the case with the Body Solid GFID71 weight bench. It’s described as a long bench, so don’t be shocked when you get it home and discover it’s not your usual 40inch bench.
The GFID71 is also commercial grade so it has a high capacity of 1000lbs. But more importantly its built and designed that well its one of those product you feel will never deteriorate.
The Body Solid is not short on potential positions either. The seat alone can shift between 8 positions while the backrest uses a ladder step up system and can go from decline (about 20-30°) to incline with 6 positions including Military and flat. The roller legs also adjust to suit your height.
The floor to bench measures a tad under 20 inches which is a good height for taller folks. The adjustable seat also helps out for resisting the slide when on decline/incline. The total length of the GFID71 is 70 inches.
Overall, the Body Solid is a true winner for people that want a long bench to work with. The fact its commercial grade also reassures you the high quality of the build.

Popular Tall Persons Weight Bench
Over the years the Iron Master Super Bench has been known as the go to weight bench for tall people. With a total bench measurement of 44 inches and a supportive 35 inch back rest you can understand why.
Its not unusual if you get told you’re too short for the Super Bench. Which is great news for tall people. The bad news is that it has maintained a fairly steep price tag. While it has come down a little over the years, some may find it still just out of reach.
How much exactly? Find out the up to date price on amazon here.
However the price is justified the minute you lay your eyes on the Super Bench. The shear quality of the craftsmanship stands out and the padding is just wow. When you want quality, you gotta pay the big bucks I guess.
At 6’4″ with the bench adjusted to incline you can still have sufficient padding under your head. This is something taller people are simply not use to. But its time to start getting use to it with the Iron Master Super Bench.

2 thoughts on “Best Weight Bench For Tall People”
Brilliant commentary on tall work out benches. I’m 6ft 4 and having researched the market for many hours I settled on your first choice. I also found the Bulldog 2 bench looked good for tall people but out of my price range. Thank you.